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. 2011 Dec 5;30(1):71–77. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2011.38.4594

Table 1.

Clinical Characteristics of 1-Year Survivors Included in the Study and in the Subgroup for Quality-of-Life Analysis

Characteristic Entire Study Cohort(N = 1,087)
Subgroup With Patient-Reported Outcomes(n = 544)
No. % No. %
Age at transplantation, years
    Median 53 56
    Range 21-78 21-78
Follow-up of patients still alive, months
    Median 37 41
    Range 12-77 12-77
    White 857 84 441 86
    Nonwhite 167 16 72 14
    Male 654 60 326 60
    Female 433 40 218 40
    Chronic leukemia 87 8 37 7
    Acute leukemia 304 28 147 27
    Lymphoma 299 28 155 28
    Multiple myeloma 186 17 98 18
    Myelodysplastic syndrome 144 14 74 14
    Other cancer 15 1 3 1
    Nonmalignant disease 52 5 30 6
Disease risk
    Early 236 22 117 22
    Intermediate 314 29 158 29
    Advanced 485 45 239 44
    Nonmalignant 52 5 30 6
Transplantation type
    Autologous/syngeneic 493 45 259 48
    Related donor 264 24 118 22
    Unrelated donor 330 30 167 31
Sex match*
    Female to male 129 12 58 11
    Other sex combinations 461 43 226 42
    Autologous/syngeneic 493 46 259 48
Graft source
    Peripheral blood 977 90 496 91
    Bone marrow 92 8 42 8
    Umbilical cord blood 18 2 6 1
    High-dose therapy with total body irradiation 236 22 111 20
    High-dose therapy without total body irradiation 688 63 350 64
    Reduced intensity 163 15 83 15
Graft-versus-host disease (allogeneic patients)
    Acute grade 2 364 61 176 62
    Acute grade 3 46 8 21 7
    NIH chronic treated with systemic treatment 344 60 179 64

Abbreviation: NIH, National Institutes of Health.


Race unknown for 63 patients in overall study cohort and for 31 patients in quality-of-life subgroup; sex match unknown for four patients in overall study cohort and one patient in quality-of-life subgroup.

Antithymocyte globulin included in conditioning regimen for 57 patients in overall study cohort and for 32 patients in quality-of-life subgroup.

Cumulative incidence at 5 years.