Fig 5.
Properties of the AHL-degrading isolate Rhodococcus sp. strain R138. The isolates Rhodococcus sp. strain R138 and Agrobacterium sp. strain WRT31 were compared for the kinetics of C6-HSL and OC8-HSL inactivation (A), biocontrol activity against P. atrosepticum (Pca) using NaCl (0.8%) for suspending bacterial cells (B), and degradation of GCL and GHL (2 g liter−1) in the presence (C) or absence (D) of mannitol (2 g liter−1) as an additional carbon source. (C and D) Bacterial growth (OD600; gray symbols) and concentration of residual GCL and GHL (g liter−1; black symbols). The asterisk indicates a statistically significant decrease of the maceration symptoms using the Kruskal-Wallis test (α = 0.05), where n is the total number of tubers tested per condition.