Fig 2.
Ablation of RISP reduced the levels of CI, CIII, and supercomplexes. (A) Two-dimensional BNGE (2D-BNGE) and Western blot of mitochondrial proteins. Membranes were sequentially blotted with different antibodies, and signals obtained are indicated with an arrow in each panel. NDUFS3 antibody showed a strong unknown signal (?). Cox1 signal is circled with a white dotted line to distinguish it from the unknown signal from NDUFS3. Positions of respiratory complexes and supercomplexes (CIII/CI or CIII/CIV) are marked with dotted lines. (B) Presence of a subassembly/degradation product (sub) in RISP KO clones. (C) Western blot of VDAC1 as protein loading control.