(A) BI calculations at 50 μM ligand concentrations for BI. ΔGi referenced to the homomeric mGluR2 (1 ng of mRNA) response to 1 μM Glu and ΔGq referenced to the homomeric 2AR (2 ng of RNA) response to 1 μM 5-HT and 1μM Glu. Responses to a concentration of 50uM clozapine, LY37, or LY37 together with clozapine were measured in oocytes injected with 1 ng mGluR2 mRNA and 1 ng (left), 2 ng (center) and 3 ng (right) or 2AR mRNA respectively.
(B) Summary bar graphs (mean± SEM) of the total MK801-induced locomotion as a summation of horizontal activity from t = 30 min to t =120 min. Injection time was at t = 0 min. mGluR2 heterozygotes (mGluR2 +/-) (left) and 2AR heterozygotes (right). Mice were administered vehicle, clozapine (1.5 mg/kg), LY37 (5 mg/kg), or both LY37 and clozapine, followed by MK801 (0.5 mg/kg) (N = 5 − 6). (* p<0.05, n.s. not significant).