Figure 5.
Extensive recipient BM colonization by daughter HSCs generated from a single AGM region-derived HSC. (A) AGM region cells obtained from a CS 15 embryo were transplanted into three NSG mice (0.33 e.e. per recipient). Only one of the three recipients showed human hematopoietic repopulation (mouse c). We confirmed by secondary transplantation that the other two recipients (mice a and b) contained no activatable HSCs. To test if the single human HSC that repopulated mouse c had generated daughter HSCs which could spread across the recipient BM, BM cells from two coxal bones, two femurs, and two tibiae were harvested and separately transplanted into six secondary recipients (mice 1–6). Secondary transplantations were performed 4 mo after the primary transplantation. (B) Representative flow cytometry plots show human hematopoietic repopulation in the peripheral blood of the six secondary recipients 3 mo later. Two independent experiments were performed. mCD45, mouse CD45.