Analysis of the dmyc intron 2 identifies a downstream core promoter element, DPE. (A) The 8-kb intron 2 full length sequence in the J8 transgene and its truncation, J8.2 (6.1-kb) and their relative location with respect to the dmyc locus and the genomic organization are shown. (B) The full fragment J8 and its derived sub-fragment were assayed in different tissues during early developmental stages. Both transgenes (J8: a, c, e, g; J8.2: b, d, f, h) were capable of reflecting dmyc expression in the brain (a, b) and discs (c, d: wing; e, f: eye; g, h: leg). The transgenes J8 and J8.2 both express lacZ in the early and late embryogenesis (i–n) (embryo stages: i, j: 2–6; k–n: 9–13). However, only the shorter transgene J8.2 shows expression in mesodermal tissues (o, p; embryo stages: 12–15). In the ovary (q) both transgenes are active.
Note: Yellow arrow indicates lacZ expression and white arrow indicates lack of lacZ activity. Staining time for discs and ovary is indicated, and embryos were stained over-night. Scale bar in (a–q) indicates 50 μm.