Figure 3.
The srg genes encode ascaroside receptors. a, Localization of SRG-36∷GFP to ASI cilia (L4 animal). b, Ascaroside avoidance behaviours of animals with ectopic expression of srg-36, srg-37, or CBG24690 (shown in Figure 4) in the ASH nociceptive neurons. c, Ascaroside-induced Ca++ transients in ASH neurons that ectopically express C. elegans srg-36 or srg-37 or C. briggsae CBG24690 in ASH. Grey bars indicate the presence of C3 or C6 ascaroside, shading indicates s.e.m., n≥10 animals/condition. Ca++ was monitored using the genetically-encoded calcium sensor GCaMP3.030. Δ/F, percentage fluorescence change (baseline fluorescence = 100%).