Table 2.
Raw correlations among fasting plasma glucose, demographic factors and circulating angiogenic cell outcomes
FPG | Age | BMI | VEGF | CTRL | VEGF/CTRL | CD34/KDR | CD133/KDR | |
FPG | - | .318‡ | .241 | -.039 | -.408* | .349† | .032 | .164 |
Age | .318‡ | - | .570** | -.291 | -.224 | -.022 | -.202 | -.191 |
BMI | .241 | .570** | - | -.306 | -.090 | -.161 | .239 | .133 |
VEGF | -.039 | -.291 | -.306 | - | .621** | .602** | .182 | .226 |
CTRL | -.408* | -.224 | -.090 | 621** | - | -.127 | .177 | .234 |
VEGF/CTRL | .349† | -.022 | -.161 | 602** | -.127 | - | -.130 | -.002 |
CD34/KDR | .032 | -.202 | .239 | .182 | .177 | -.130 | - | .428* |
CD133/KDR | .164 | -.191 | .133 | .226 | .234 | -.002 | .428* | - |
p <.01
p <.05
p 2.07
p <.10.
Critical alpha = 0.05. FPG = fasting plasma glucose; BMI = body mass index; VEGF = vascular endothelial growth factor; CTRL = Control (random) migration. Pearson correlations were conducted for all associations except those involving CD34/KDR and CD133/KDR, for which Spearman correlations were conducted to accommodate their skewed distributions. N=28for all correlations except those involving CD34/KDR and CD133/KDR, for which n=27.