Mean ± s.e.m. content (pg ant-1) of juvenile hormone (JH) and ecdysteroids of (A) age-typical workers transitioning naturally from nest (N) to foraging (F) stages, and (B) single-cohort workers performing nest (N) or foraging (F) tasks. Significant differences in juvenile hormone and ecdysteriod content between nurses and foragers are indicated by asterisks and daggers, respectively. Age-typical ecdysteroids: Student's t-test, P<0.05; all others: Mann-Whitney U-test, P<0.05 between groups. In addition, JH content of single-cohort foragers is significantly higher than JH content of age-typical foragers (Mann-Whitney U-test, P<0.05). For both the age-typical (C) and single-cohort (D) colonies, each component colony has too low a sample size for robust statistical analyses; however, the general trend in each colony is the same as the overall result (A and B, respectively). Sample sizes are indicated above the bars.