Figure 5. Phylogenetic traces of PDZ interaction-regulation unit evolution.
This matrix summarizes the results for units of PDZ binding motifs and near-motif phosphorylation. The eukaryotic evolutionary tree is depicted above and left to the matrix (abbreviations below). The rows indicate the organism in which the motif probably appeared. The columns indicate the organism in which a potentially phosphorylated residue appeared. The order in which the motif and potentially phosphorylated residue appeared can thus be deduced from the matrix cells. For instance, the brown-framed cell represents the three cases in which the motif appeared in D. melanogaster and the potentially phosphorylated residue appeared in chicken. Accordingly, all cells below the diagonal (cyan) represent cases in which the potentially phosphorylated residue appeared after the motif. The diagonal cells represent cases in which the motif and the potentially phosphorylated residue appeared together. The cells above the diagonal represent cases in which the motif appeared after the potentially phosphorylated residue (red). Organism abbreviations: CHIMP- p. troglodytes, MOUSE- m. musculus, RATUS- r. norvegicus, BOVIN- b. taurus, CHICK- g. gallus, XENTR- x. tropicalis, DANRE- d. rerio, CIONA- c. intestinalis, DROME- d. melanogaster, ANOGA- a. gambiae, CAEEL- c. elegans, YEAST- s. cerevisiae, DICDI- d. discoideum, ARATH- a. thaliana and PLAFA- p. falciparum.