Figure 8.
Scheme of the model describing the cyanobacteria. The reaction modifiers as well as the exact stoichiometry are not shown to keep the presentation simple. The abbreviations used are standard and therefore not explained [3]. Model description: The employed model includes 13 reactions for the Calvin-Benson cycle (CC_1-13), 3 reactions for starch synthesis (SS_1-3) and 5 sinks (SR_1-5); all of them entered in the form of Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The initial concentrations (except hexoses and pentoses) and kinetic parameters (except kE7 and kM103) were used as proposed by [3]. In contrast to the Zhu model, all hexoses and pentoses, as well as GAP and DHAP, are encoded separately; initial concentrations for these metabolites were adopted from [20]. The model has one compartment and assumes fixed CO2, O2 and Pi concentrations. Notes: book symbol indicates that the metabolite participates in more than one reaction; small forward/backward arrows above the circles indicate the reversibility of reactions; the products of reactions are highlighted by bold arrows.