Figure 1.
Nucleosomal DNA constructs based on the Selex 601 sequence and nucleosome reconstitution. (A) Selex 601 DNA sequence. Locations of Cy3 (FRET donor) and Cy5 (FRET acceptor) are marked. 1Cy5 is at the +39th base from the dyad (Cytosine, 74th) (601+39 DNA) and 2Cy5 is at the +29th base from the dyad (601+29 DNA). Cy3 is located at the −38th base from the dyad. Underlined sequence represents the double-strand DNA region. (B) The 147 bp DNA fragment comprises ~60 bp of (H3-H4)2 tetramer binding site at the center and ~30 bp of H2A-H2B dimer binding sites near the termini. (C) The locations of fluorophores (Cy3 (Green), 1Cy5 (Red), 2Cy5 (Purple)) and methylation (black) in a crystal structure (PDB: 3MVD) is shown in a sphere representation. (D) Unmethylated (UM) or methylated (M) nucleosomes were reconstituted with yeast nucleosome assembly protein 1 (Nap1) and analyzed on a 5% native polyacrylamide gel.