Fig. 8.
CASP8 genomic status and protein expression in glioblastomas. A–B REMBRANDT data showing CASP8 gene amplification and deletion (A) and caspase-8 mRNA expression (B) in glioblastoma tissues with no correlation to patients' survival. C Demonstration by western blot of the expression of caspase-8 (Casp-8) in glioblastoma tissues but not normal human brain tissues. Glioblastoma cell line LN443 and LN18 were included as positive controls and actin was used as protein loading control. D H&E sections of glioblastoma 1109 and 1125 (left) and immunohistochemistry (IHC, right) demonstrating caspase-8 expression in 1109 but not in 1125 consisting with the findings in western blots as presented above in C.