Fig. 3.
Recognition of disordered CTA1 conformations by ERdj3. (A) ERdj3 was perfused over a CTA1-coated SPR sensor slide at pH 7.4 and the indicated temperatures. (B) CT and CTA1 were perfused over an ERdj3-coated SPR sensor slide at pH 7.4 and 37°C. (C) ERdj3 was perfused over a CTA1-coated SPR sensor slide at 37°C in pH 7.4 buffer, in pH 7.4 buffer containing 10% glycerol, or in pH 6.5 buffer. (D) ERdj3 was perfused over an SPR sensor slide appended with denatured CTA1 at 10°C in pH 7.4 buffer, at 37°C in pH 7.4 buffer containing 10% glycerol, and at 37°C in pH 6.5 buffer. For all experiments, ligand (1,600 ng/ml) was removed from the perfusion buffer approximately 300 s into the experiment. One of at least two representative experiments is presented in each panel.