Fig. 8.
Alterations in INMDA of NMDARs expressed in CGCs depend on time post-CEE. (A) Representative current traces acquired post-CEE from young DIV CGCs are shown for Day 5, 24+W, 48+W and the 72+W time points along with current traces obtained from control cells. At Day 5, INMDA were smaller in receptors exposed to ethanol than INMDA acquired from receptors in CGCs never exposed to ethanol (control). Augmentation of receptor function due to ethanol withdrawal was shown by significant increases in INMDA compared to receptors in control CGCs for both the 24+W (B) and 48+W (C) time points. By four days post CEE or at the 72+W time point, INMDA from NMDARs in ethanol-treated CGCs did not differ from currents acquired from receptors contained in control CGCs. Current traces were acquired from CGCs that were 6, 7, 8 and 9 DIV during the Day 5, 24W, 48W and 72W time points, respectively. Control cells were from the same DIV and from the same culture batch. (B) Graph of summarized data depicting the percent change from control values; ***P ≤ 0.001.