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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Jan 15.
Published in final edited form as: J Behav Med. 2009 Jan 6;32(1):64–88. doi: 10.1007/s10865-008-9193-0

Table II.

Studies of the buffering effects of social support on the relationship of racism to mental or physical health indices

Authors/Date Sample Support Measures Racism Outcome Design Main effects of social supporta Buffering effects on healthb
Fischer & Shaw (1999) 119 AA college students Proportion of casual, friend, and romantic relations with other AA SRE MHI Correlational Cross-sectional, (YES-POS) Proportion of relationships with AA/MHI (NO) % AA friends/SRE/MH
Noh & Kaspar (2003) 180 Korean adults from population based sample Social support seeking when confronting discrimination Perceived discrimination scale developed for study – series of items ranging from overt (threatened) to covert (ignored) CES-D-K Correlational cross sectional (YES-POS) Social support seeking/CES-D (NO) Support Seeking/SRE/MH
Sanders Thompson (2006) 156 adults, Black, Asian, European, Hispanic, convenience sample From the CRI: guidance and support seeking when experiencing specific racism event Experiences of Discrimination Questionnaire (Thompson Sanders, 1995) Impact of Events Scale (re-experiencing sx and avoidance sx) (Horowitz, et al., 1979) Correlational, cross sectional, responses to specific racist event (NO) Support seeking/Avoidance
(NO) Support seeking/Re-experiencing
(NO) Support seeking/Discrim./Avoidance
(NO) Support seeking/Discrim./Re-experiencing
Finch & Vega (2003) 3012 Mexican American adults, population based sample Emotional Support
Instrumental support
# of family members in US
# of friends/peers in US
Perceived discrimination measures developed for study – (perception of being disliked, treated unfairly, friend treated unfairly) Self-reported health (single item) Correlational, cross sectional (YES-POS) Emotional support
(YES - POS) Instrumental support
(YES-POS) Friends in US
(YES-POS) Family in US
(YES – B) Instrumental support/Discrim./Self-reported health
Clark (2003) 64 AA college students, convenience sample Sarason Social Support Survey (Sarason et al., 1987).
SSN – number of supports
SSQ – quality of support
Life Experiences & Stress Scale (Harrell, 1997) Baseline SBP, DBP
Change in SBP, DBP
Laboratory study, testing correlates of reactivity in response to mental arithmetic task (YES-NEG) SSQ/Baseline SBP
(NO) SSQ/baseline DBP
(NO) SSN/baseline SBP
(NO) SSN/baseline DBP
(YES-I and Bc) SSN/perceived racism/SBP reactivity
(YES-I and B) SSN/perceived racism/SBP reactivity
Clark & Gotchett (2006) 217 AA youth, convenience sample Coping responses to racism “talking to someone” Everyday discrimination scale modified to include the statement “because of your race” Resting BP Correlational, cross-sectional (NO) “Talking to someone” (NO) “Talking to someone”/perceived racism/SBP and DBP level
(YES-B) Low “Talking to someone”/high perceived racism/Elevated BP status
McNeilly et al (1995) 30 AA adults, convenience sample Presence or absence of supportive confederate Racist provocation (i.e., debate with White confederate about racially noxious topics) vs. non-race-related topics Baseline SBP, DBP
Change in SBP, DBP in response to race-related and non-race-related stressors
Laboratory study, manipulate the presence of absence of supportive confederate during two debates (race & non-race related) N/A (NO) Presence of support/racist provocation/BP

Note. sx = symptoms; discrim. = discrimination. SBP = systolic blood pressure; DBP = diastolic blood pressure. BP = blood pressure. SRE = Schedule of Racist Events (Landrine & Klonoff, 1996). MHI = Mental Health Inventory (Veit & Ware, 1983). CES-D-K = Korean version of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (Noh et al., 1998; Radloff, 1977). CRI = Coping Responses Inventory–Adult Form (Moos, 1993).


For main effects analysis, the type of support and specific outcome measure are listed as follows: type of support/outcome. The results are categorized as follows: (NO) = No main effect; (YES-POS) = Significant main effects such that increasing scores on listed dimensions of social support are associated with lower symptom reports; (YES-NEG) = Significant main effects such that increasing scores on listed dimensions of social support are associated with greater symptom reports.


(NO) = No buffering effect; (YES-I) = Significant interaction effect, such that the relationship of racism to symptoms is stronger for those with high scores on listed dimensions of social support. (YES-B) = Significant interaction effect, such that the relationship of racism to symptoms is weaker for those with high scores on listed dimensions of social support.


. For both SBP and DBP, the SSN is negatively related to BP reactivity for those reporting low levels of racism and positively related for those reporting high levels of racism.