Figure 1.
Cumulative incidence of initiation of treatment with 5-ASAs from the time of diagnosis by age at diagnosis of disease. The Kaplan–Meier survival curves show the cumulative incidence of initiation of treatment with 5-ASAs from the time of initial diagnosis of IBD by age group. The cumulative incidence of initiation of treatment with 5-ASAs was greater in the older age group than in the younger age group (P = 0.009). The cumulative incidence of initiation of treatment with 5-ASA’s in the 0- to 5-yr-old group at 1, 5, and 10 yr was 66.1% (56.4–75.5%), 75.9% (66.3–84.5%), and 85.9% (76.6–92.9%), respectively. The cumulative incidence of initiation of treatment with 5-ASA’s in the 6- to 17-yr-old group was 74.0% (71.1–77.1%), 88.5% (85.7–90.9%), and 96.1% (91.8–98.5%). Numbers at risk: At the baseline, time of diagnosis: 98 E (early-onset disease: age 0–5 yr), 891 L (later-onset disease: age 6–17 yr); at 1 yr after diagnosis: 28 E, 185 L; at 3 yr after diagnosis 22 E, 86 L; at 5 yr after diagnosis: 17 E, 43 L; at 7 yr after diagnosis 13 E, 13 L; at 9 yr after diagnosis: 10 E, 6 L; at 10 yrs after diagnosis 7 E, 3 L.