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. 2008 Sep 19;283(38):26010–26015. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M801819200


Analysis of the MS/MS spectrum of each of the modified tryptic peptides

Sequence Position No. of hexoses Fragment ions Calculated m/z
PDNVSINAETAGR Asn444 0, 1 b3, y11 753.3575
TTLTNTTLESILK Asn484 1, 2 y9, y9 798.9326 + 879.9590
GTFVNITANQR Asn497 1, 2 y7, y7 691.8492 + 772.8756
GANLTIYSGGWVDVHK Asn546 1 b3, y14 939.9652
NISLGAQGNINITAK Asn560, Asn570 1, 1 b2, y5 919.4731
FNNVSLNGTGSGLQFTTK Asn605, Asn609 1, 1 b3, y12 1105.029
FNNVSLNGTGSGLQFTTK Asn605, Asn609 1, 2 (b4), y12 1186.0554
FEGTLNISGK Asn636 1, 2 (b6), y5, y5 614.3080 + 695.3352
VNISMVLPK Asn642 1, 2 b2, y8, y8 581.8230 + 662.8494
YFNVSTGSSLR Asn773 1, 2 b3, y9, (b3), y9 696.8357 + 777.8621
DTTFNVER Asn709 1 b5, y4 572.2619
DLTLNATGGNITLLQVEGTDGMIGK Asn801, Asn806 1, 1 y16, y21 1428.2075
DLTLNATGGNITLLQVEGTDGMIGK Asn801, Asn806 1, 2 y16 1590.2604
KNITFEGGNITFGSR Asn828, Asn835 1, 1 b9, y14 982.976
KNITFEGGNITFGSR Asn828, Asn835 1, 2 b9, y7, y14 1064.0024
AITNFTFNVGGLFDNK Asn912 1, 2 (y14, b5), (b5, more b ions) 960.4729 + 1041.4993
GNSNISIAK Asn928 1 y6 533.2748
NLSITTNSSSTYR Asn952 1, 2 b7, y7, b7, y7 803.3838 + 884.4102
NLSITTNSSSTYR Asn946, Asn952 1, 2 b2, y7 965.44
TIISGNITNK Asn964 1, 2 b6, y5, b6, y5 611.8299 + 692.8563
EGNLTISSDK Asn995 0, 1 b3, y8 613.2933
INITK Asn1004 1 b2, y4 375.7158
AGVDGENSDSDATNNANLTIK Asn1029 1, 2 b17, y5, y5 1134.5091 + 1215.5355
LTQDLNISGFNK Asn1044 1, 2 b6, y7, y7 756.3830 + 837.4094
NVTVNNNITSHK Asn1131 0, 1, 2 y6, y6 751.8759 + 832.9023
ITTKTGTTINATTGNVE Asn1156 1, 2 y8, b10, y8 942.4758 + 1023.5023
AANVTLNTTGTLTTVK Asn1348, Asn1352 1, 1 (b3), b4, y142+, y152+, y10 964.9992
GSNINATSGTLVINAK Asn1366 2 y12 942.4758

This table lists all peptides with identified modification sites. The modification sites are numbered according to the position of the modified amino acid in the intact protein sequence, beginning with the methionine in the signal peptide. The peptide marked in boldface lettering has a modification that is not part of the NX(S/T) consensus sequon. The underlined letters indicate modification sites, and the boldface letters indicate double modification sites. The table also lists the observed fragments ions that allow the localization of the modification

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