A, expression profile of the top up-regulated and down-regulated genes at -fold change ≥15 that are differentially expressed in the FHL2-/- compared with WT clones. Wild type clones are indicated by capital letters, and FHL2-/- clones are shown by lowercase letters. Data are plotted as a heat map where red and blue correspond to high and low expression in log2-transformed scale. B, gene set enrichment analysis plot using a GenMAPP gene set list corresponding to the G1 to S cell cycle reactome (normalized enrichment score =-1.7, false discovery rate = 0.008, p < 0.0001). The enrichment score reflects the correlation of the gene set with FHL2-/- (KO) and WT genotypes. Significant results were also found in gene set enrichment analysis by using nine different cell cycle-related gene sets from the MIT data base (MSigDB). C, core group of genes of the G1 to S cell cycle reactome gene set that contributed to the enrichment score. The -fold change (KO/WT) corresponds to the mean value for those genes that have more than one probe set in the array.