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. 2011 Dec 22;7:142–156. doi: 10.2478/v10053-008-0094-0

Table 1. Lag-4 Autocorrelation Coefficients for Phrases 1 and 2 in Each Stimulus Item (US, UU, SU, SS).

Stimulusa Phrase 1 Phrase 2 Phrase 1 Phrase 2 Phrase 1 Phrase 2 Phrase 1 Phrase 2
14a .506 .278 .506 .474 .207 .474 .207 .278
14b .503 .282 .503 .472 .213 .472 .213 .282
14c .504 .275 .504 .479 .215 .479 .215 .275
14d .506 .277 .506 .479 .215 .479 .215 .277
14e .500 .283 .500 .482 .218 .482 .218 .283
23a .442 .175 .442 .487 .221 .487 .221 .175
23b .451 .165 .451 .499 .216 .499 .216 .165
23c .448 .163 .448 .500 .213 .500 .213 .163
23d .449 .169 .449 .499 .214 .499 .214 .169
23e .437 .167 .437 .500 .214 .500 .214 .167
32a .487 .221 .487 .442 .175 .442 .175 .221
32b .499 .216 .499 .451 .165 .451 .165 .216
32c .500 .213 .500 .448 .163 .448 .163 .213
32d .499 .214 .499 .449 .169 .449 .169 .214
32e .500 .214 .500 .437 .167 .437 .167 .214
41a .474 .207 .474 .506 .278 .506 .278 .207
41b .472 .213 .472 .503 .282 .503 .282 .213
41c .479 .215 .479 .504 .275 .504 .275 .215
41d .479 .215 .479 .506 .277 .506 .277 .215
41e .482 .218 .482 .500 .283 .500 .283 .218
Average .481 .219 .481 .481 .219 .481 .219 .219

aThe column lists specific combinations of rhythmic templates (1-4), where the first digit refers to Phrase 1 and the second digit to Phrase 2, and the letter refers to pitch series (a-e).