CK2 is not essential for membrane expression of β-ENaC and γ-ENaC. A, inhibition of membrane expression of βFlag-ENaC and γFlag-ENaC and Gamil by 10 μm TBB. B and C, TBB inhibited membrane expression of βFlag-ENaC and γFlag-ENaC in single mutants (αβS631Aγ, αβγT559A), but not in double mutants (αβS631AγT559A). Gamil was largely reduced for all mutants, and Gamil produced by the double mutants was no longer inhibited by TBB. Dashed lines indicate membrane expression and Gamil of wt-ENaC. The asterisk (*) indicates a significant effect of TBB (paired t-tests, 6-12 experiments for each series).