An equivalent mutation to that which rendered active Mpk1, Erk1, and
Erk2 also rendered active the Drosophila Rolled. The indicated
Rolled mutants, purified from E. coli, were treated (+MEK1)
or not treated (–MEK1) with active MEK1 and ATP. Then, they
were subjected to a standard kinase assay with MBP as a substrate. A,
a fixed volume from each reaction was subjected to SDS-PAGE. Coomassie
Brilliant Blue staining verified that equal amounts of substrate were loaded
(lower panel). Then, the gel was exposed to x-ray film (upper
panel). Note that the RolledR80S and the
RolledR80S+D334N variants are active independently of MEK1
phosphorylation. B, using the paper-spotted kinase assay technique,
we quantified and normalized the activities of the mutants to that of the
MEK1-activated RolledWT that was defined as 100%. The
RolledR80S exhibited 30% activity relative to that of
MEK1-activated RolledWT. The RolledR80S/D334N exhibited
75% activity relative to that of the MEK1-activated RolledWT.
Results shown are the average of two independent experiments, each performed
in triplicates.