Silencing PP2Ac expression increases SK1 phosphorylation, activity and
the proportion of membrane-localized SK1. A, HEK293 cells were
transfected with vectors encoding FLAG-tagged SK1 and HA-tagged PP2Ac, in the
presence of siRNA targeting the PP2A catalytic subunit (+) or a negative
control siRNA (-). Total SK1 and PP2Ac expression levels in the cell lysates
were assessed by immunoblotting with anti-FLAG and anti-HA antibodies,
respectively (upper panel) and levels of phosphorylated SK1 were
assessed using an antibody recognizing phospho-SK1 (lower panel).
Results are representative of triplicate transfections. B, HEK293
cells were transfected with either siRNA targeting the PP2A catalytic subunit
(+), or a negative control siRNA (-). Cell lysates were immunoblotted with an
antibody recognizing the PP2A catalytic subunit (upper panel), and
equal protein loading was confirmed using an antibody recognizing
α-tubulin (middle panel). Results are representative of
triplicate transfections. The lower panel shows the mean
(±range) for duplicate determinations of endogenous SK1 activity
measured in the cell lysates and is representative of duplicate transfections.
C, HEK293 cells were transfected with a vector encoding FLAG-tagged
SK1, in the presence of siRNA targeting the PP2A catalytic subunit (+) or a
negative control siRNA (-). Whole cell extracts (W), soluble
fractions (S), and membrane-enriched fractions (M) were
prepared from the transfected cells, which were then assessed for levels of
total SK1 (upper panel) and phospho-SK1 (lower panel), by
immunoblotting with anti-FLAG and anti-phospho-SK1 antibodies, respectively.
Results are representative of three experiments. The dividing lines indicate
where lanes have been spliced to simplify viewing, but results in each panel
are from a single experiment.