KrasLSL-G12D/+ mice with p53+/+ (n=9), p53LSL-25,26/LSL-25,26 (n=6), p53LSL-53,54/LSL-53,54 (n=12), p53LSL-25,26,53,54/LSL-25,26,53,54 (n=13), or p53−/− (n=6) status were infected intranasally with Ad-Cre at 6–8 weeks, and lungs were collected 12 weeks later. (A) Whole mount images of lungs from KrasG12D;p53+/+ and KrasG12D;p53−/− mice, with arrows indicating tumors. (B) Average number of macroscopic lung tumors +/− SD in mice of all genotypes. (C) Average tumor burden, calculated as the ratio of total tumor area to total lung area on H&E-stained sections, +/− SD in mice of all genotypes. * indicates no significant difference, p > 0.05 v. p53 wild-type, ** indicates significant difference of p < 0.001 v. p53 wt, one-way ANOVA Bonferroni post tests. (D) Representative histological sections from lungs of each genotype.