Figure 4.
Plant defences and beetle oviposition behaviour in North America. (a) Plant defences against viburnum leaf beetle (VLB) oviposition expressed as percentage wound response (i.e. number of egg masses encased in wound tissue divided by total number of egg masses laid per twig) depending on the extent of infestation (number of egg masses per twig) for V. dentatum (circles), V. rafinesquianum (triangles) and V. trilobum (plus symbols; mean ± s.e.). (b) Twig mortality depending on the extent of infestation. Lines indicate significant relationships from nonlinear regression (p < 0.05). Raw untransformed data are shown with best-fit curves. (c) Oviposition choice-tests between previously infested and intact (i.e. non-infested) twigs with an invasive North American population of VLB on four host-plants: V. opulus, V. tinus, V. dentatum and V. rafinesquianum. Horizontal bars represent the percentage of replicates in which females laid more egg masses on the infested twig (+ infested twig) or on the intact twig (+ intact twig; 10–20 replicates per host-plant). In 11% of the total replicates, no egg masses or equal numbers of egg masses were laid. Asterisks indicate p < 0.05 (sign-test).