Figure 5.
MCPIP1 knockout mice in higher mortality and exacerbated edema to brain ischemia/reperfusion caused injury. (A) Eight-week-old MCPIP1 KO and littermate WT mice were subjected to MCAO for 90 minutes followed by 72 hours of reperfusion; sham-operated mice had the same procedures except no MCA occlusion. Survival was monitored for 72 hours after the MCAO. MCPIP1 knock out I/R mice showed lower survival than wild type I/R (p < 0.05) and sham-operated MCPIP1 knock out mice (p <0.05). n = 12 mice per group. (B) Brain water content as a measure of brain edema of the ischemic hemisphere. MCPIP1 knockout mice had a significant increase in brain edema at 6, 24, and 48 h after MCAO; Values represent mean ± SD,* p < 0.05 versus wild type group. n = 10 per group.