Figure 4.
ECR6 directs transgenic expression to vascular smooth muscle in vivo. (A–E) E11.5 transient transgenic ECR6-lacZ embryos. Whole mount X-gal stained embryos reveal robust expression in the distal outflow tract (OFT, panel B). (C, D) X-gal and eosin stained frontal sections. Expression is visible surrounding the arch arteries including the left sixth arch artery (arrow in C, higher magnification shown in D). Sections were subsequently stained for smooth muscle actin (SMA, panel E). (F–I) E11.5 transient transgenic M3-ECR6-lacZ embryos. Expression in the OFT and surrounding the aortic arch arteries was not evident. The left forth and sixth arteries are indicated with arrowheads in panel H and shown in higher magnification in panel I. (J, K) Frontal sections of wildtype E11.5 embryos stained for Jagged1 protein expression. The left forth and sixth arteries are indicated with arrowheads in panel J and shown in higher magnification in panel K. Scale bars: 100μm. RV-Right Ventricle, LV-Left Ventricle.