UV-vis absorption spectra of 5 (a) at different pH in HCl/KCl aqueous buffer and formation of J-aggregates of 5, (b) in presence of polymer 3 at pH 1.0 (HCl/KCl buffer), (c, d) J-aggregation behavior as a function of varying concentration of 5 without polymer (c) and in presence of polymer 3 (d) [exact concentration of the added 5 is shown] All experiments were conducted with [5] = 10−5 M in 1 cm cuvette at room temperature, *denotes measurement after storing overnight (orange line in (d)). (e, f) Ratiometric UV-vis absorbance study of the J-bands to the monomer peak ratio of 5 with its increasing concentration (e) without polymer and (f) in presence of polymer 3.