LIPS provides a facile and robust technology for measuring autoantibodies in SjS. In these studies, antibodies in serum are incubated in solution with Renilla luciferase (Ruc)-tagged antigens (Ag). IgG immunoglobulins are then captured with protein A/G beads and following washing, antigen-specific antibody titers are measured by luciferase-catalyzed light production. Due to the wide dynamic range of antibody detection and the ability to profile many different target antigens, LIPS data can often be best visualized with a heatmap of color-coded antibody titers. In this heatmap, the antigen-antibody measurement greater than the control mean plus 3 standard deviations was color-coded to signify a titer above these cut-off values. Colors on the heatmap signify the relative number of standard deviations further above the control mean plus 3 standard deviations. Each row of the heatmap represents one patient's antibody profile against 7 different autoantigens including La, Ro52, Ro60, thyroid peroxidase (TPO), gastric ATPase (ATPase), aquaporin-4 (AQP-4), and transglutaminase (TGM). Although many of the SjS patients showed high titer and heterogeneous autoantibody responses, four of the SjS patients at the bottom of the heatmap did not show statistical response to any of the autoantigens tested.