Figure 2.
Rapid regulation of PIN genes by auxin in the heterozygous abp1/ABP1 receptor mutant and the PIN2 mutant eir1. (A–D) Quantification by real time PCR of transcription in wild-type Ws (filled squares) and abp1/ABP1 seedlings (open squares). (E–H) Quantification by real time PCR of transcription in wild-type Col (filled diamonds) and eir1 seedlings (open diamonds). Methods were described in reference 16. Two biological treatments with three technical repeats each were used for calculation of average and SD. List of primers: PIN1-forw: GGA GAC TTA AGT AGG AGC TCA GCA; PIN 1-rev: CCA AAA GAG GAA ACA CGA ATG; PIN 2-forw: TAT CAA CAC TGC CTA ACA CG; PIN 2-rev: GAA GAG ATC ATT GAT GAG GC; PIN 3-forw: GAG TTA CCC GAA CCT AAT CA; PIN 3-rev: TTA CTG CGT GTC GCT ATA GT; PIN5-forw: ACC CTG CCG CTC TTC ACC A; PIN5-rev: GCC CAC AAC GCT AAG ACC G.