Figure 2.
RAG DSBs support pre–B cell survival. (A) A schematic of the germline (GL) IgLκ locus and unrepaired Jκ1 and Jκ2 coding ends (CEs) are shown. Vκ and Jκ gene segments (rectangles) and their associated recombination sequences (triangles) are shown as are the relative positions of the EcoRI and SacI sites and the JκIII probe used for Southern blot analyses. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA from RAG1−/−:IgH:Bcl2, and Artemis−/−:IgH:Bcl2 pre–B cells cultured in IL-7 (0 h) and after IL-7 withdrawal (wd, 48 h). Hybridizing bands generated by the GL IgLκ locus and Jκ1 and Jκ2 un-repaired CEs are indicated. (B) Western blot analysis of phosphorylated p53 (p-p53) after withdrawal of IL-7 for the indicated times. Gapdh is shown as a protein loading control. Numbers represent band intensity relative to Artemis−/−:IgH:Bcl2 at time 0 h and standardized to loading controls. No quantitation is presented for RAG1−/−:IgH:Bcl2 as no bands are present. (C) Western blot analysis of p-p53 after IL-7 withdrawal in Artemis−/−:IgH:Bcl2 treated with vehicle (DMSO) or the ATM inhibitor KU55933. Gapdh is shown as protein loading control. Numbers represent band intensity relative to time 0 h and standardized to loading controls. (D) Viability assessed by 7AAD uptake after withdrawal of IL-7 for the indicated times. Shown is the mean and standard deviation for three replicates. **, P < 0.0001; *, P = 0.001. Data in A, B, and D are representative examples of at least three independent experiments. Data in C are representative of two independent experiments.