Figure 1. The transcriptional response of MCF7 to lactic acidosis (LA), hypoxia (Hyp), and the combined hypoxia and lactic acidosis (LA+Hyp) conditions.
(A) The gene expression profiles of MCF7 in response to lactic acidosis (10 mM Lactic acid, pH 6.7), hypoxia (1% O2) and the combined condition(10 mM Lactic acid, pH 6.7 in 1% O2) at 24 hrs. 1956 probe sets were selected to have at least two fold change in more than two arrays, and arranged by hierarchical clustering as shown. (B) The gene clusters of hypoxia induced genes which were sensitive (blue vertical bar) and resistant (red vertical bar) to the inhibitory effects of lactic acidosis were shown with selected gene names. (C) The levels of indicated lactic acidosis sensitive hypoxia genes (CA9, PGK1, STC1) in response to individual treatment were measured using RT-qPCR (n=3). (D) The levels of indicated lactic acidosis resistant hypoxia genes (VEGFA, HIG2, Cyr61) in response to individual treatment at 24 hrs were measured using RT-qPCR (n=3). Error bars are mean ± SD, significant p-values are indicated as (* p<0.001; ** p<0.01).