Figure 5.
(a) Abdomen planarimages of the HT-1080 tumor-bearing nude mice injected with 99mTcO-N3S-PEG2-Probestin at 1 hr p.i. ReO-N3S-PEG2-Probestin (1 mg) was co-injected intravenously along with the 99mTcO-N3S-PEG2-Probestin for blocking APN specific uptake of the radioactivity. Planar images were acquired in prone position. (b) Early and (c) delayed abdomen SPECT images of a HT-1080 tumor-bearing nude mouse injected with 99mTcO-N3S-PEG2-Probestin. Labels: K - kidney; L - Liver; I - Intestine; B - Bladder.