Figure 4.
Search for early warning of the end of the Younger Dryas in the tropical Atlantic. (a) Cariaco basin core PL07-58PC greyscale proxy for local productivity, 12.5–11.6 kyr BP (n=2111). Analysis stops at the vertical dashed line before the transition into the Holocene. (b) Example of early warning indicators from autocorrelation function (ACF) with various detrending methods (left-hand scale), or detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA, right-hand scale); results plotted at the end of the windows (sliding window length of half the data series in all cases, bandwidth = 100 for ACF method). (c) Histogram of the frequency distribution of the Kendall trend statistic for the ACF of residuals indicator, when varying the sliding window length and filtering bandwidth. (d) Histogram of the frequency distribution of the Kendall trend statistic for the DFA indicator, when varying the sliding window length. (Online version in colour.)