Figure 5.
Interfacing residues are conserved within homologous Pex4p and Pex22p sequences. (A) View of the Pex415–183 (surface representation) Pex22S complex (cartoon), indicating the region of Pex22S (shown in red and labelled) that forms the interface with Pex415–183. (B) Surface representation of the Pex22S binding site in Pex415–183, showing residues involved in interface formation which are invariant (blue), partially conserved (cyan) or not-conserved (grey) within homologous Pex4p sequences. (C) Mode of binding of Pex415–183 (cartoon) to Pex22S (surface representation) indicating the interface forming helices α3 and α4 in Pex415–183 (blue). (D) Surface conservation within the Pex415–183 binding site in homologous Pex22p sequences, indicating residues which are invariant (blue), partially conserved (cyan) or not-conserved (grey).