Figure 3.
Experiment 2 (ellipse positions jittered, ellipse-to-mask SOA= 40 ms). (A) The aspect-ratio-repulsion index for the perception of circles, flat ellipses, and tall ellipses (with data averaged across the between- and within-hemifield conditions); positive values indicate repulsive effects and negative values indicate averaging effects. * Represents p < 0.05, and ** represents p < 0.01. (B) Ratings of ellipses with different aspect ratios (including circle) when paired with ellipses with identical aspect ratios and presented in a global vertical organization (open symbols) or a global horizontal organization (filled symbols). The x-axis indicates the rated ellipses and the y-axis indicates the observer's ratings of those ellipses. The dashed gray line represents the expected aspect-ratio ratings if perception was veridical. Ellipses in pairs that formed global vertical organizations were perceived to be taller than ellipses in pairs that formed global horizontal organizations, but global organization primarily affected the perception of tall ellipses. For both (A) and (B), the error bars represent ±1 SEM (adjusted for repeated-measures comparisons in (B)).