Figure 2. Inhibition of MRE11 Alleviates Nucleolytic Degradation of Stalled Forks.
(A–B) Preformed IdU tract lengths in V-C8 (A) and V-C8+BRCA2 (B) cells during different exposure times to HU. Inset, the rate of IdU tract length change is 0.7 µm/h, estimated to be ~1.8 kb/h.
(C) Sketch of design and expected outcome of nuclease directionality test. Tick marks delineate lagging strands.
(D–E) Distribution curves of the ratio of CldU/IdU tract lengths with or without HU in V-C8 (D) and V-C8+BRCA2 (E) cells.
(F) IdU tract lengths in V-C8 and V-C8+BRCA2 cells with or without HU in the presence of the MRE11 inhibitor mirin.
(E) IdU tract lengths in Brca2lex1/lex2 mES cells after shRNA treatment directed against MRE11 or control (shLuc) with or without HU. Western blot inset shows the MRE11 knockdown.