Figure 3. NPY is required for fasting-induced suppression of Trh expression.
ISH was performed on brain sections using a 35S-labeled riboprobe against mouse Trh mRNA. A. Representative images of fed and fasted WT (n = 5, n = 6), Npy−/− (n = 8, n = 9) and pair-fed Mc4r−/− PF (n = 4, n = 6) and DKO PF (n = 4, n = 5) mice are shown of the PVN, x10; scale bar, 50 µm. B. Quantification of Trh expression. Data are presented as mean pixel density ± SEM. Significance was measured with 2-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test. * = p < 0.05. See also Figure S4.