Figure 5. A model for P[en] homing.
P[en] and the en/inv DNA are packaged in H3K27me3 nucleosomes (red ovals) [15]. Nucleosomes associated with tou and E(Pc) do not have the H3K27me3 mark (blue ovals) [15]. Specific proteins bound to both P[en] and en/inv DNA are represented by different colored rectangular boxes. We suggest that the en DNA in P[en] adopts the same chromatin structure and has the same proteins bound to it as in the genomic context. (P[en] is not drawn to scale). Since the inv promoter is co-regulated with en, and also has a PRE associated with it, we draw its structure as identical to the en promoter. We suggest that P-element homing occurs through specific interactions between P[en] and multiple proteins bound to the genomic en/inv region and that chromatin structure also plays a role. These interactions cause P[en] to be concentrated in the vicinity of en/inv and then transposition occurs into en/inv and genes nearby.