Table 1.
Added or modified parameters and initial conditions of the model. Parameters required for the modelling of pH buffer behaviour are in the left column. Parameters required for the modelling of K+, Na+ and Ca2+ dynamics are given the right column. Antiporter parameters are in the bottom left column.
parameter | value | parameter | value |
[HCO3−] | 25 mM | kK | 49 202 pA |
[CO32−] | 50 µM | kNa | 5367.6 pA |
[H2CO3] | 1.5 µM | kCa | 327.25 pA |
[H+] | 63.1 nM | kNaK | 14.3383 pA |
kf1 | 0.11 s−1 | kNaCa | 20.14 pA |
kf2 | 1.00 × 104 s−1 | [K]e | 5.0 mM |
kf3 | 1.03 × 104 s−1 | [K]i | 130 mM |
kb1 | 183.33 s−1 | [Na]e | 140 mM |
kb2 | 9508.7 M−1 s−1 | [Na]i | 19 mM |
kb3 | 8.1616 × 1010 M−1 s−1 | [Ca]e | 2.0023 mM |
Km | 23 mM | [Ca]i | 0.0006 mM |
imax | 10 pA | x0 | 0.0012 |
h0 | 0.0401 |