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. 2011 Jun 1;2011:375170. doi: 10.4061/2011/375170

Table 1.

Summary of evidence regarding the location of in-breast recurrences.

Year Description All LR IBNP True LR Reference
2007 5318 patients with early breast cancer; all had lumpectomy and EBRT ± boost 91 17 81% [36]
1993 567 women ± EBRT, 39 m median FUP. IBNP “>2 cm from primary site” 25 4 84% [37]
1992 837 women ± EBRT, 43 m median FUP 131 19 85% [38]
1992 488 women all with lumpectomy plus EBRT, 103 m mean FUP. “True” LR—“at or close to same quadrant as index case” 42 2 95% [39]
1990 783 women, 80 m median FUP 91 17 81% [40]
1990 381 women ± EBRT, 30 m FUP 15 2 87% [41]
1990 496 women, 71 m median FUP 61 15 77% [42]
1990 1593 women, 11 y median FUP 178 38 79% [43]
1989 861 women, 5-6 years median FUP 93 19 80% [44]
1984 231 women, 44 m median FUP 12 2 83% [45]
1982 680 women 509 3 >99% [46]
1982 28 women with DCIS treated by biopsy alone, FUP > 3 y 7 1 86% [47]
1981 176 patients, median FUP 47 m 15 1 93% [48]

LR = local recurrence (any recurrence in the ipsilateral breast).

IBNP = ipsilateral breast new primary (a LR that is some distance away from the site of the original tumour; precise definitions vary by study).

True LR = (All LR-IBNP)/(All LR) expressed as a percentage.