Figure 9.
Compromised vascular integrity in HIF1a TPM embryonic lungs. A) Whole mount images and H&E sections demonstrate sub-plural hemorrhaging (arrowheads) in the HIF1a TPM lungs that were administered dox from E6.5 until harvest at E14.5. Gross development of the vascular plexus was not perturbed as illustrated by whole mount β-galactosidase assays of Tek-LacZ/Sftpc- rtTA/TRE-HIF1a TPM triple transgenic lungs and sections stained with anti-CD34 antibody. Scale bars = 100μm for large images, 50μm for insets. B) qPCR analysis demonstrates increased expression of the Vegfa isoforms Vegfa164 and Vegfa188, and the Vegfc gene in HIF1a TPM lungs. n=3–6 samples per genotype. *p<0.05 vs. CON. C) VEGFA protein was significantly increased in HIF1a TPM whole lung homogenates compared to CON animals. n=6 samples per genotype. *p<0.05 vs. CON. D) Vegfa and Vegfc mRNA levels are increased in primary type II cells isolated from HIF1a TPM adult mice. Dox was administered in culture for 24hrs to induce expression of the HIF1a TPM transgene. n=4 samples per genotype. *p<0.05 for panels B–D.