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. 2011 Nov 1;5(6):1563–1571. doi: 10.1177/193229681100500633

Table 1.

Summary of Patient-Reported Outcome Studies of Insulin Pen versus Vial and Syringe Use in Types 1 and 2 Diabetesa

Reference Patient population Summary of main PRO results Device preference
17 DTNS (n = 1622) Pen > VS for all DTSQ items, including satisfaction, convenience, flexibility, likelihood of recommendation, satisfaction to continue, and perceived frequency of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia Not stated
25 Children and adolescents with T1DM (n = 20) Pen > VS for satisfaction Pen
26 T2DM (n = 62) Pen > VS for convenience, overall ease of use, ease of setting the insulin dose, portability, ease of storing, and improvement in lifestyle Not stated
27 T1DM (n = 16) Pen > VS Not stated
28 T1DM (n = 136) and T2DM (n = 179) Pen > VS for preference, ease of complying with insulin treatment, ease of use, ease of reading dose numbers, comfort with public use, convenience Pen
29 T1DM (n = 10) Pen = VS Pen
30 T1DM (n = 77) Pen > VS for treatment satisfaction Not stated
31 T1DM (n = 19) Pen > VS for convenience Pen
32 T1DM and T2DM (n = 60) over 60 years old Pen > VS for ease and speed of use; 90% preferred pen for future treatment Pen
33 T1DM (n = 10) Pen > VS for simplicity of injections and flexibility Pen
34 Hospitalized patients with T1DM (n = 10) or T2DM (n = 65) Pen > VS for patient recommendation and preference for continued use Not stated
35 T1DM (n = 27) Pen > VS for preference, ease of use, and quicker to use Pen
36 T1DM (n = 40) 95% of patients chose to continue with pen rather than VS Pen
37 T2DM (n = 86) Pen > VS Pen
38 T1DM and T2DM (n = 1310) Pen > VS for injection pain, social acceptability, convenience, ease of use, flexibility, and overall preference Pen
39 Children and adolescents with T1DM (n = 158) Pen > VS for injection pain Not stated
40 T1DM (n = 72) Pen > VS for QOL Not stated
41,42 T1DM (n = 16) 81% of patients chose to continue with pen rather than VS Pen
43 T1DM (n = 6) or T2DM (n = 12) More patients preferred VS (50%) than pens (44%) for future use VS
44 T1DM (n = 14) or T2DM (n = 218) Pen > VS Pen
45 T1DM (n = 50) 96% of patients chose to continue with pen rather than VS Pen
46 T2DM (n = 78) Pen > VS for injection pain, acceptance, ease of setting and drawing up the dose, and overall preference Pen
47 T1DM (n = 19) Pen > VS for ease and speed of use Pen
48 T1DM (n = 14) or T2DM (n = 107) Patient preference questionnaire: pen > VS for preference, ease of use, confidence in glycemic control, more stable, more discreet in public, confidence in injecting correct dose and in setting dose, ease of reading dose; on all DTSQ items, no major differences between pen and VS Pen
16 T1DM (n = 4) and T2DM (n = 61) Pen > VS for QOL Not stated
49 T1DM and T2DM (n = 72; previous VS users) Pen > VS for convenience, comfort, and ease of use; 74% of syringe users preferred to continue with the pen Pen
23 T2DM (n = 349) Pen > VS for treatment satisfaction Not started
50 T1DM (n = 78) 95% of patients preferred pen over VS and continued with the pen Pen
51 Children and adolescents with T1DM (n = 40) 95% preferred pen over VS Pen
52 T1DM and T2DM (n = 100) 100% of patients preferred pen over VS Pen
53 T2DM (n = 372) Pen > VS for convenience, flexibility, perceived clinical efficacy, QOL, and preference Not stated
54 DTNS (n = 16) Pen > VS for ease and speed of use Not stated
55 Adolescents (aged 12–18 years) with T1DM (n = 19) Pen-based basal–bolus insulin regimen preferred by all patients over previous syringe-based twice-daily insulin regimen Not stated
56 T1DM (n = 93; women in pregnancy) Pen > VS for ease of use Not stated
57 T1DM (n = 37) Pen > VS for flexibility Not stated
58 T1DM (n = 21) Pen > VS portability, speed of use, and overall preference Not stated
59 T1DM and T2DM (n = 70) 74% preferred to continue using pen; 75% expressed preference for the pen over VS Pen
60 T1DM and T2DM (n = 330) Pen > VS for convenience and ease of use Not stated
61 T1DM and T2DM (n = 99 insulin users; n = 143 insulin nonusers) Overall preference appeared to be higher for pens compared with VS Not stated
62 T1DM (n = 18) Pen > VS for flexibility of meal times and an increased experience of freedom Not stated
63 Children and adolescents with T1DM (n = 15) Pen > VS for convenience, ease of use, portability, discreetness, and QOL Pen
64 Homeless patients with T1DM (n = 2) or T2DM (n = 21) Pen > VS for convenience, ease of use, and perceived dose accuracy Not stated

Study participants were adults unless otherwise specified. >, favored over; =, no significant difference between insulin pen and vial/syringe; DTNS, diabetes type not specified; DTSQ, diabetes treatment satisfaction questionnaire; T1DM, type 1 diabetes mellitus; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus; VS, vial and syringe. Studies of discontinued devices were excluded from this table.