Figure 4.
Caspase activity induced by TBT treatment in Jurkat A3 cells. Jurkat cells were pretreated with the caspase-10 inhibitor AEVD (8.7 μM, 1 h) before TBT was added (1 μM, 4 h). At the end of the treatment, FAM-VAD-fmk was added as a caspase substrate that exhibits fluorescence after cleavage. Cells were incubated for further 60 min, counterstained with propidium iodide (red fluorescence), and intracellular fluorescence intensity was analysed by microscopy. C: vehicle-treated control cells; TBT: 1 μM TBT; TBT + AEVD: pretreated with zAEVD-fmk for 1 h and 1 μM TBT for further 4 h.