Figure 5.
TBT induces recruitment of caspase-8 and caspase-10 by TRAIL-R2. Jurkat A3 wt cells were treated with or without TBT for 3 h before cells were lysed and immunoprecipitation (IP) was carried out with anti-TRAIL-R2 antibody. Initiator caspase-8 and caspase-10 were detected by western blotting (WB) in the precipitates (a). Both antibodies recognise full length procaspases and the processed subunits. Asterisk indicates an unspecific band. Caspase-10 was further investigated in all three cell lines after IP with anti-TRAIL-R2 antibody (b). After 2 or 3 h of incubation with TBT, cells were analysed by IP/WB. In all three cell lines, the amount of procaspase-10 and/or its cleavage products increase over time in the precipitate. Loading control for TRAIL-R2 is shown below. Arrows and numbers give the molecular weight of procaspases and cleaved subunits. Both parts of the western blot (upper part containing the procaspase-10, lower part with the cleavage products) are differentially exposed to visualize the weak bands of the cleavage products.