Fig. 4.
Estimates of two Temporal Regulation (TR) parameters (p propotion of waiting intervals, k the mean nonwaiting IRT) and two waiting indices (θ response threshold, a measure of inhibitory capacity; w the coefficient of variation, a measure of timing imprecision), based on the perfomance of Groups Lever (left) and Head (right), Paired (filled symbols) and Isolated (open symbols), at each dose of MPH. Note the difference in y-axis scale between Lever and Head plots of k. Asterisk significant effect of MPH dose, number sign significant effect of housing, a=significant effect of MPH in Paired rats, b=significant effect of MPH in isolated rats, α=0.05. MPH of 8 mg/kg significantly reduced p in Group Lever (p=0.021), increased it in Group Head-Paired (p=0.016), reduced k in Group Head-Paired (p=0.004), and increased w in Groups Lever-Isolated (p =0.027) and Head-Paired (p=0.006). A significant and progressive increase of θ was observed over MPH doses in Group Lever (p= 0.016). Isolation increased θ at doses lower than or equal to 2 mg/kg in DRL (p=0.024-0.042)