Fig 1.
Recovery of the E. faecalis RIVET strain from subdermal abscesses. Two milliliters of the E. faecalis OG1RF RIVET library was inoculated into subdermal chambers from which 2 ml of serous fluid was withdrawn. Dilutions of fluid aspirated from implanted chambers at the indicated time points following inoculation were plated to determine the number of viable E. faecalis CFU recovered. Results are reported as log10 CFU/ml. The 0-h time points were calculated by dividing the total CFU in the 2-ml inocula by 30 ml, the volume of serous fluid in the implanted chamber. Arrows indicate the time points analyzed by RIVET: 4, 8, and 24 h postinoculation. Infection of rabbit A was carried out for 96 h, whereas infection of rabbit B was terminated at 24 h, at which time the chamber was explanted and samples were harvested from the chamber surface and surrounding tissues (open-head arrow).