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. 2011 Dec 12;7:44. doi: 10.1186/1746-4811-7-44

Table 1.

Definition and calculation of manual observations

Variable Definition Calculation
NTSio Number of total spikelets at the impurity outlet
NTSuo Number of total spikelets at the unfilled-spikelet outlet
NTSfo Number of total spikelets at the filled-spikelet outlet (packing machine)
NFSio Number of filled spikelets at the impurity outlet
NFSuo Number of filled spikelets at the unfilled-spikelet outlet
NFSfo Number of filled spikelets at the filled-spikelet outlet (packing machine)
NTSmanual Manually measured value of the number of total spikelets (NTS of a rice plant) NTSmanual = NTSio + NTSuo + NTSfo
NFSmanual Manually measured value of the number of filled spikelets (NFS of a rice plant) NFSmanual = NFSio + NFSuo + NFSfo
NTSmanual.image Manually measured value of the number of total spikelets that were imaged by the camera NTSmanual.image = NTSuo + NTSfo
NFSmanual.image Manually measured value of the number of filled spikelets that were imaged by the camera NFSmanual.image = NFSuo + NFSfo