Figure 3. Keratin and PG are Required for Polarized Protrusive Behaviors.
(A) Quantitation of protrusion angles from XCK1(8) morphant cells with C-cadFc beads attached and following bead pull. See also Figure S3 and Movie S5. (B) GAP43-GFP labels plasma membranes in intact mesendoderm explants prepared from control morphant (left) and XCK1(8) morphant embryos (right). Green arrowheads indicate protrusions in the direction of tissue movement and red arrowheads mark protrusions in any other direction. See also Movie S6. (C) Quantitation of protrusion angles from PG morpholino knockdown cells with C-cadFc beads attached and following bead pull. See also Figure S4 and Movie S7. (D) Quantitation of protrusion number per cell in normal and PG morphant cells. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. (E,F) Quantitation of protrusion angles, where 180° equals direction of tissue migration, in control morphant explants (E) and PG morphant explants (F). Leading cells = row 1, following cells = rows 2-4. In panels at right, GAP43-GFP labels plasma membrane of mesendoderm explants from control morphant and PG morphant embryos. See also Movie S8. Green arrowheads indicate protrusions in the expected direction of tissue movement and red arrowheads mark protrusions in any other direction. All scale bars, 25μm.