Fig. 3.
Derivation of nestin+NMDAR+ hair follicle cells. (A-I) Histological sections of P0 Wt mouse skin were co-labeled with antibodies against Nestin and Ha1 (A-F), and P0 Wnt1Cre;R26REYFP mouse skin sections were co-labeled with nestin and EYFP antibodies (G-I). Single color panels are shown for nestin (A,D,G), Ha1 (B,E) and EYFP (H). Asterisks label the nestin+ layer surrounding the inner Ha1+ compartment in axial sections (D-F). Arrowheads identify nestin+EYFP+ hair follicle cells (I). Dotted line demarcates the border between the dermis and hair follicle ORS cells (A-C,G-I). Cartoons illustrate side (A-C,G-I) or bird’s eye (D-F) viewing angles. HF, hair follicle.